a virtual collaboration resulting in the funk

Online Collaboration

There’s not so much to do for us musicians during the pandemicso we started a little online collab – we just want to play so we did. David Bender thought of a few chords, a melody and played keys,David Grabowski played the guitar, Tim Stahlschmidt drummed the drums, and I bassed the bass, made the…Continue reading Online Collaboration

Hamburg-based bassplayer David Alleckna recording in his studio

What does …

… Dave do at all? So much water has gone under the bridge since my last update. Controversies in our society have been established. Much too little music has been played. So this is the time to say: Hello world! Hello 2022! I look forward to meeting you both! The last two years were rather…Continue reading What does …

pitch for a film-score

The weather outside is dreadful – Hamburg tells me to play inside and so I behave and sit in my Heaven’s Club Studio to work on a pitch for a feature film. The other day a friend showed me the script for a movie that could be quite interesting. It is about fleeing time, about…Continue reading pitch for a film-score

scoring for film-trailer

This year ends on a relaxed note, Christmas is upon us and I am sitting in my studio working on a score for a trailer. So much fun to work these nice sample-libraries – however, my fingers itch only thinking of my bass!

music for VW commercial

Finally, Volkswagen released the first of three commercials that I composed and produced the music for. That was fun – shredding the guitars, basses – and even singing all vocal parts! The clips where produced by the incredible Ole Zapatka – check him out, too!

putting last finish on Volkswagen commercial music

What a great sunny day it is here in Hamburg! Just perfect to stay inside, NOT get a sunburn and instead work on some final touches for a Volkswagen commercial music that I produce in my studio. The three clips should be online on the usual internet-platforms in a few weeks.

new week, new Klotz-cables!

Ah, what a great weekend: great weather, some fun work – and now for the new week a blessing by Klotz! Thanks André and everybody at Klotz! I love their cables because I never have any problems with them and they deliver my sound the way it is supposed to sound! Will re-do my studio…Continue reading new week, new Klotz-cables!

rehearsals with Ivy Flindt

Last weekend we met with the Ivy Flindt band to work on our live repertoire. I look forward to playing bass with this band: the music is great (produced by the producer of the Cardigans), the colleagues are cool and know what they are doing, I can finally play my Höfner basses live that I usually…Continue reading rehearsals with Ivy Flindt

recording with José Valdes

Had a great vocal session in my studio with José Valdes today for a summer song which will be released this spring. I produce it and did not only play the bass but all the other instruments, too!

studio fun for summer hit

Having heaps of fun working on a new production, using percussions that I purchased the other day at the Ikea “musicstore”! Do they have that special sound or do I?….