Dave-Blog 2019/1: bass, night of the songs, Helen Schneider, Dominik Blangger, Manfred Maurenbrecher, Richard Wester

New year’s resolutions…. Never had any back in the day but now increasingly so as, of course, I do want to improve and work on being a better version of myself. One of my resolutions is to write a new post here every week. After all, there is always something happening, so: why not write…Continue reading Dave-Blog 2019/1: bass, night of the songs, Helen Schneider, Dominik Blangger, Manfred Maurenbrecher, Richard Wester

Beatlemania at Heide theatre

In the beginning of this year I played a little tour with the Richard Wester Band and the Schleswig-Holstein Symphony. We played a mix of Richard’s tunes and songs by the Beatles. All this was called “Beatlemania” and was a lot of fun as such a big orchestra of excellent musicians is quite powerful! I…Continue reading Beatlemania at Heide theatre

gig with Mel C at ESC2017

Last Saturday the Eurovision Song Contest took place in Kiew and two great things happened: a beautiful song that stands out from all the so often heard “Euro-trash-sound” won and after the points were given I played with Melanie C (remember – “Sporty Spice” from the Spice Girls) feat. Alex Francis on national tv. The…Continue reading gig with Mel C at ESC2017

concert with Michelle at Rehna Open Air

Last night I played my bass for Michelle again – this time at a festival in Rehna. It was great playing with this fantastic band again, it was a perfect summer night, and the Rehna crowd was having a blast. I love my job!