tour with Richard Wester feat. Schleswig-Holstein Symphonic Orchestra: Beatlemania

I was hardly done with the production of the Xusha plus Young Orchestra Hamburg dvd when the rehearsals for a little tour with Richard Wester and the Schleswig-Holstein Symphonic Orchestra already began. This project featured Richard’s own music and the classics from The Beatles both of which were arranged for the orchestra by our Berlin…Continue reading tour with Richard Wester feat. Schleswig-Holstein Symphonic Orchestra: Beatlemania

gig with Mel C at ESC2017

Last Saturday the Eurovision Song Contest took place in Kiew and two great things happened: a beautiful song that stands out from all the so often heard “Euro-trash-sound” won and after the points were given I played with Melanie C (remember – “Sporty Spice” from the Spice Girls) feat. Alex Francis on national tv. The…Continue reading gig with Mel C at ESC2017

concert with Michelle at Rehna Open Air

Last night I played my bass for Michelle again – this time at a festival in Rehna. It was great playing with this fantastic band again, it was a perfect summer night, and the Rehna crowd was having a blast. I love my job!

new week, new Klotz-cables!

Ah, what a great weekend: great weather, some fun work – and now for the new week a blessing by Klotz! Thanks André and everybody at Klotz! I love their cables because I never have any problems with them and they deliver my sound the way it is supposed to sound! Will re-do my studio…Continue reading new week, new Klotz-cables!

Kellerhertz-Sessions at Birdland with Sebó

Just returned from playing bass for Sebó at Birdland, Hamburg! There were cameras filming all over the place – perhaps I’ll see you on YouTube then? Thank you very much for the great night!