Dave-Blog 2019/1: bass, night of the songs, Helen Schneider, Dominik Blangger, Manfred Maurenbrecher, Richard Wester

New year’s resolutions…. Never had any back in the day but now increasingly so as, of course, I do want to improve and work on being a better version of myself.

One of my resolutions is to write a new post here every week. After all, there is always something happening, so: why not write about it?

The “night of the songs” (“Nacht der Lieder”) took place in Flensburg last weekend again. Here, the two hosts Richard Wester (saxophone with many German pop-legends) and Manfred Maurenbrecher (a songwriting- and authoring-legend himself) invite two more acts to perform together. I am usually there to accompany everybody on my bass, and sometimes my guitar. This year, Rolf Hammermüller, a pianist of Berlin (usually playing with many great cabaret-acts), and Jo Ambros of Berlin on guitar were there to play, as well. The two guest-stars were this year Helen Schneider (New York, Berlin, Hamburg) and Dominik Blangger (Vienna).

This concert is always really exciting, as usually the acts have never met before. In the first set, every act plays about three songs and in the second set everybody joins in to play with each other – after only one short rehearsal! Of course, there will be many magical moments. One of mine this year was a duet between Helen Schneider (remember her 80s hit “rock’n roll gypsy” or her current musical “kinky boots”) and me on bass.

I will play a next concert with Richard in a few weeks. That will be quite exciting as it will be only the two of us (so – sax and bass) and we will play fully improvised! I will have to think about this and prepare some ideas – but more about this in my blogs to come.

Stay tuned and have a great week!

Helen and I
Dominik and I
Manfred and I
Richard and I
Rolf and I